Both Airwheel S3 and S5 two-wheeled electric scooters are featured by marvelous design as well as brilliant performances. Airwheel S3 and S5 are classic examples in Airwheel scooter family.
In terms of similarities, both Airwheel S3 and S5 self-balancing electric scooter are able to achieve fast speed. Airwheel S3 two-wheeled electric scooter is able to run at the speed of 18km/h, and S5 electric scooter can be even faster since it supports wild riding needs. Besides, both Airwheel S3 and S5 self-balancing electric scooter attract people’s eyeballs for the magnificent and flawless design in terms of color, style as well as humanized design for riding comforts. Riders are able to read relevant data on the large-sized display screen, which is convenient and really helpful to riders. Anyway, both Airwheel S3 and S5 self-balancing scooter reflects high-quality and excellent design concept.
However, S3 and S5 are indeed different types of electric scooters that may be applied into different situations. Airwheel S3 two-wheeled electric scooter can be a green and convenient way of daily commuting. Riders can riders Airwheel S3 self-balancing scooter for commuting between store and house, or going out for a trip. Instead of being stuck in packed street, riding Airwheel S3 electric scooter can be much easier since it only weighs 22.4kg and easy-to-carry. Therefore, riders have a flexible way of daily commuting. Comparatively, Airwheel S5 self-balancing scooter seems more stronger in aspect of momentum as well as long-distance running, after all, Airwheel S5 two-wheeled electric scooter is specially designed for practical utilities.
The design style of Airwheel S5 electric scooter differentiates from S3 due to its robust style and rough appearance, which indicate excellent performances for wild riding needs. Airwheel S5 is generally considered as the SUV style scooter in Airwheel family and is applied in many working occasions like public security, in-house patrolling. In a word, Airwheel S5 electric scooter differentiates S3 in aspects of stylish design as well as functionality.
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